Yes...I's been a while. I'm a titty head.
I'm one of the three or so students in the show so my work has been keeping me busy but never fear, there's plenty o' shit to talk about! So I will! So much so in fact I think I will do a couple of is the post about the stuff that happened BEFORE we moved into the space!
RE: Finish Blocking
So we worked a bit at finishing our blocking which has been such an easy breezy task. It's pretty organic for the most part but it's nice that we're able to ask Scott so many questions if we're unsure about where to go or why. It's been pretty nice.
One interesting part of the blocking was running the "Girl Can I Kiss You With Tongue" Scene which has me paired with Lenora for some reason. Dupree I assume is reluctant to tongue this chick but people like Zach are snatchin up all the bitties so it makes it difficult. And Lenora could stand to have a fantasy come true're welcome. Terrie's been pretty cool about it, she's apparently cool with me in my 8 hours of class including dance rehearsal funk and we have a good time faking out. I can't really kiss her yet cuz i've been sick'll happen. And it'll be a fire hazard with all those sparks flying.
Other than that the only other thing I've taken from this great and easy blocking process is the cryptic shit i wrote to myself in my script during the sleep-less weeks I've been having due to school.
Here are some of the tidbits I'm trying to decipher:
- A quote I wrote at the beginning of Scene 4 (Tongue Scene) which is "One hand on her boob, I already asked her she said its okay". Now, I have a feeling this has something to do with Ryan and Taylor our Crybaby and Allison respectively. Not sure why I wrote it but...whatevs
- Immediately under that I have written "There's the flame" which I THINK has to do with Dowdy sneaking around while we were blocking the scene to sort of visually foreshadow the fire that Baldwin starts during the scene. I also think the quote is from Zach in reference to Dowdy which I thought was funny enough to write down.
- Next to the song lyrics I have written "Me and Terrie down center making magic happen"....because yes...that's how it goes.
- Right next to that I have the quote "good. I can't get it up unless I have some tunes." I think this was again Zach but I could be wrong....made me chuckle.
- I have written next to one of our group lines a quote from Scott instructing us that says "A relatively long WHAT with an upward curve." Now our line is "WHAT?!" which is in response to something Baldwin says near the end of Act I. Scott was telling us how to say the line but i think I wrote it down because if you read it as a question, "A relatively long WHAT with an upward curve?!" It'll make you smile...tee hee.
- I have written "Boob Honk" and "Poo Pew" at the beginning of Act II and lemme tell you I have NO idea what those are referencing...they musta been funny at the time...please comment if you have a clue.
- I must not have gotten much sleep when I wrote this next thing but the first instance of Mrs. VW in the script I have lovingly written her in as Mrs. Vagina Waffles....yeah...and these are the contents of my blog
RE: Music
We need to go over that shit...before we move in the space I've gotten pretty sick which always happens when I get busy and my immune system turns to doo doo. Makes it hard to sing out but I'm working on it!
RE: Cast Crush
I love that thing you do in Act II...
RE: Blew of the Day!
And featured today is...

RE: Fancy Ticklers
- Am IIIIIIIIIIII? (Ryan dies of laughter)
- NOT kewpie dolls...them shits do NOT tickle my fancy.
- The fact that while running the show there are two or three instances where the clump I'm in is referred to as "Girls" or "Ladies"....because Dupree has a Dupreenis and nobody can seem to remember they need a reminder?
- Replacing the word Baby in any song with genital slang....I particularly like cooter. Coooter cooter cooter (cooter cooter)
- Dowdy sweet Jesus. Baldwin really has some Mommy issues.
- Jenifer cut it out with being so damn hilarious. Can't take it
- Alex's shoes
- The fact that we have a pre-kissing kit at our disposal...gotta keep fresh
- The fact that Scott wrote a musical called "Johnny Appleweed"....if you need help writing the sequel you got my numbaaaaa
- The fact that dance rehearsals are DONE MOTHAFUCKA. I loved them...but after running "A Little Upset" A coochamabillion times...I think I'm cool with just doing it during runs. Sweet ass choreo. Thanks Robin!
- The fact that Ryan has been told to rearrange his junk in his first entrance. Hence the title of this post.
- And because I don't like to end these things on odd numbers, here is what i consider to be the opposite of a Vagina Waffle
RE: Conclusion
Yeah I need to write more. So I'ma go eat and write another post about our time in the SPACE! WOOT WOOT! Get excited! I'm sure you got a semi right now.
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